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Call for Works

The call for submissions ends on August, 17th, 2012. Submitting one or more works is open to every individual person and every organisation. The submission has to be made postal (or handed in personally); it is free of charge and has no restrictions whatsoever. The call aims at german and international film–, video– and multimedia and has no restrictions in lenght, genre or presentation regarding the submitted works.

All submitted works have to be viewed/played with conventional operating systems and gear.

The selected artists will be invited to Leipzig and will have the chance to get in contact with visitors and guests. The accomodation and catering are free of charge but the travel costs will have to be paid for by the invitees themselves.

Postal submissions untill August, 17th, 2012 to:

Galerie KUB
c/o extra — experimental trails
Kantstrasse 18
D–04275 Leipzig



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